Billing and Claims Activities that may Violate the Law e.g. Billing for Services or Supples not Rendered, Submitting a Claim Containing Known False Information or Omitting Material Information, Filling a Claim for Services not Medically necessary, Altering Claim Forms, Arrange to Get Paid Twice, Revising a Claim for a Service that is not Covered, Misrepresenting the Services Performed, Falsifying Records, Omitting Material Information, Scheming with Another Person, etc.
Name and telephone number of Kings Harbor’s Compliance Officer is posted in the lobby of SNF, Pavilion and Manor building by the Security Desk
CC Officer: Mr. David Berkowitz
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King’s Harbor Multicare Center in the Bronx is committed to delivering outstanding long-term and rehabilitative care with compassion and expertise. Don’t miss our radio ad currently airing on WABC to learn more about the exceptional services we provide for our community!